Master 2024-2025

Enrollment for 16th Master is open until 2nd of December 2024 at 12.30pm (italian local time)

For registration, please follow the instructions in this notice (pay attention to points *3 and 4)

Ranking list and enrollment: https://ammissioni.unifi.it/INFO/


Deadlines 16th Master



In addition to their Curriculum Vitae, applicants with a qualification awarded abroad must also enclose:

1. a copy of the degree certificate, legalised or apostilled and accompanied by a Declaration of Value issued by the competent italian diplomatic representation. If not in french, english or spanish, the degree must also be accompanied by an official translation into Italian;


a copy of their degree certificate, accompanied by the CIMEA certificates:
- Statement of Comparability
- Statement of Verification 
to be requested through the Diplome portal (https://www.cimea.it/).

2. certificate listing exams taken and marks;

3. translation of the documents indicated in the previous points into italian (if not already in english, french or spanish) by an official translator.

students from abroad

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